Saturday, May 13, 2017


This phenomenon is also very common in after pregnancy, but it does not result from breastfeeding.  The real cause is in fact weight gain during pregnancy, which leads to stretching of the ligaments. So, in order to prevent saggy breasts, you need to pay attention to your weigh gain in this period of your life.
Saggy breasts can also appear due to diseases like tuberculosis and breast cancer. Alcohol and carbonated beverages may as well lead to saggy breasts.
Over-tanning and cigarettes
Collagen is destroyed by a long exposure to UV rays. Moreover, smoking is a harmful habit which leads to saggy breasts as well.
Wrong sized bras
The wrong size of a bra can significantly increase the risk of saggy breasts. In order to prevent this phenomenon, you should choose bras with holders or pads.
A French research has pointed put that bras are the major reason for saggy breasts, as they prevent the development and growth of the muscle tissues.
It suggests that breasts need to be exposed to gravity, but wearing a bra for a long period of time will not do any good for them, in fact, it can harm their appearance.
Proper diet and exercising
If you regularly exercise and eat a healthy diet, you will lose weight and maintain the firm form of your breasts.However, note that all that you do should be balanced, as your breasts can become saggy as a result of improper weight or rapid weight loss as well.
For this cause, you should try doing chest exercises, which significantly strengthen the ligaments and improve the look of the pectoral area.
Optimal weight
As we previously mentioned, the rapid loss of gain of weight can give you reverse effects. This is due to the fact that the elasticity of the skin is destroyed by the extra pounds, and in the opposite case, the breasts lose the fats which are extremely important as they keep the breast firm.
The main part of cells situated in the skin of the breasts are made of water. Water deficiency destroys the skin, as it leads to wrinkles, destroys their softness and thus leads to saggy breasts.

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