Saturday, July 8, 2017

Quick Weight Lose Workout ..

Hi Everyone !
Everybody wants to loss weight as early as possible as it has very bad impression on their personality.Today i will give you a "15 days challenge workout", and after 15 days you will have slim, lean and fit body and about 10 kg of your fat around belly will burn out.That workout will 100% works as i performed it by myself and I lose about 12 kg of weight within a 2 weeks.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Botox effect mask that will rejuvenate your face

Hi Everyone !
Now-a-days everyone wants to look more young and beautiful but with age wrinkle,dark spots and loosing of face skin start.Here i am giving you a such home made face mask that can hide these sign and delay the aging process.And you can see its result within  a  week.Botox mask will firming your skin and you will feel more energetic and fresh, and  the ingredients used in that mask are cheap and accessible, may you you will have them at your home too.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

How to Reduce Pore Size and have Crystal Clear Skin

Large pores can be quite upsetting. They make your skin look imperfect, dull and unsmooth. Though, pore size is genetic, it is possible to reduce their appearance.They may vary depending on the type of skin you have. Aging, sun damage, improper hygiene, use of bad/low quality products and cosmetics can make your pores bigger in size.

 As your skin ages, it loses collagen that helps it to stay elastic, making support to oil glands difficult, thereby increasing your pore size.Pores can become visible and seem larger due to inadequate skin care and issues such as blackheads, which can expand your pores. Genetic factors, environmental damage and aging also contribute to pore size. The following remedies will help you fight the problem of enlarged pores and reduce pore size.

Steaming the facial skin is a wonderful way to open up the pores and remove the dirt and debris that is clogging them. For a do-it-at home steam session, place your head over a pot of hot water with a towel draped over the head and the shoulders.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Diet That Helped Everyone Lose Weight: 20 Pounds Less For Just Two Weeks

Eighth day – 6 lemons and 6 cups water.
Ninth day – 5 lemons and 5 cups water.
At the 10th day start reducing the amount of one lemon and a glass of water to the 13th day when again re-take the juice of 1 lemon and 1 cup water.
14th day – juice of 3 lemons and 10 cups of water and a teaspoon of honey and drink before breakfast as possible, and rest during the day.
While you drink this lemon juice, try to eat healthier food. No one in this world lost weight while eating junk food. At the morning you can eat any kind of oats. For a snack you can eat some fruit. The lunch should contain proteins, so you can eat meat with vegetable. Try not to eat after 6 p.m. If you have a desire to eat, make some vegetable salad. Avoid eating fruits at the evening hours.

The Diet That Helped Everyone Lose Weight: 20 Pounds Less For Just Two Weeks

This diet is based on the lemons and in determined mode it makes detoxification of the body, and what’s the best thing about it is that in 14 days you can lose 20 pounds.
This diet is very simple.

Every morning before breakfast drink lemon juice and water as it is described bellow:
 First day – juice of 1 lemon and 1 cup water.
Second day – 2 lemons and 2 cups water.
Third Day – 3 lemons and 3 cups water.
Fourth day – 4 lemons 4 cups water.
Fifth day – 5 lemons and 5 cups water.
Sixth day – 6 lemons and 6 cups water.
Seventh day – 3 lemons and 10 cups water mixed with a teaspoon of honey and drink during the whole day.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Menstrual cycle takes place every month for a period of 6-7 days. During these days, a woman may have abnormal cramps along with some other minor problems, such as headaches and stomach harassment. When menstrual blood flows quickly from the body, its color will be red or pink. Sometimes, most of the women may notice black or brown blood during the period and then worry. According to experts, that blood is dark indicates that it slowly flows out of the body.

Certainly during a menstrual cycle have been observed as the color of blood is sometimes brighter, sometimes darker, and many women are faced with punctuate bleeding outside the cycle. What can sometimes be a sign of anxiety is the color of menstrual blood and it is important to know what certain colors indicate when you should contact a gynaecologist.

Blood pink is of the menstrual cycle. But if it occurs earlier, for example in the middle of it, it may be a sign of early pregnancy, a hormonal disorder or other diseases of the reproductive organs, so it is best to visit a gynecologists.



This kind of blood flow is very easy and often occurs after a busy day when blood rapidly running out of the body without having time to darken. No need to worry – it’s normal. The problem occurs when the bleeding lasts longer than a week, and the blood becomes pinkish and not fades.

Dark red

And red colors of blood are quite normal, especially in the middle of. If the color does not fade and bleed more than usual, it may be a sign of spontaneous miscarriage or, at worst, for the presence of tumor.

Orange – red

This is really unusual when it comes to menstruation and refers to any infection. With this color usually goes odor, a sign that you immediately visit a gynecologists. This color is seen when blood is mixed with fluids from the cervix. But also points to the existence of any infections

Brown – black

These bloods has long been in the uterus and are usually seen early in the morning. Although may sound bad, brown or black blood is old blood backward not expired, but which for some reason have remained longer in the womb. It may have noticed when you CASS menstruation few days. In general it is about normal, but if you notice beside her yellowish color of blood, it can be a sign of infection.

Heavy bleeding

K iPod most women, at least one day is followed by profuse bleeding compared to other days of the cycle. It is usually the second or third day, and it is quite normal.
 If, however, see the insert punctuate traces of blood, and you do not get time to menstruation, immediately contact a gynecologist. This phenomenon is due to early pregnancy or due to some hormonal disorder.

Saggy breasts are a rather unpleasant and certainly not one of the favorite topics for women.However, although they are constantly trying to…

Saggy breasts are a rather unpleasant and certainly not one of the favorite topics for women.However, although they are constantly trying to prevent this phenomenon, breasts lose elasticity and become saggy over time.This puts women into a desperate situation, as they lose self- confidence and feel less attractive. Fortunately, there are some things you can do and prevent sagging of your breasts and keep the ideal look of your breasts longer. Nevertheless, we need to start with the reason for breasts sagging.

In most cases, saggy breasts usually appear after the age of 40, but this is not always the case, as they can appear earlier if the skin becomes old, loose and loses elasticity. Breasts are not made of muscle, so you need to keep them I shape. They contain fat, milk-producing glands and connective tissues.
Saggy breasts can also appear as a result of smoking, improper bras, menopause, improper nutrition, rapid weight gain or loss and over-tanning.


This phenomenon is also very common in after pregnancy, but it does not result from breastfeeding.  The real cause is in fact weight gain during pregnancy, which leads to stretching of the ligaments. So, in order to prevent saggy breasts, you need to pay attention to your weigh gain in this period of your life.
Saggy breasts can also appear due to diseases like tuberculosis and breast cancer. Alcohol and carbonated beverages may as well lead to saggy breasts.
Over-tanning and cigarettes
Collagen is destroyed by a long exposure to UV rays. Moreover, smoking is a harmful habit which leads to saggy breasts as well.
Wrong sized bras
The wrong size of a bra can significantly increase the risk of saggy breasts. In order to prevent this phenomenon, you should choose bras with holders or pads.
A French research has pointed put that bras are the major reason for saggy breasts, as they prevent the development and growth of the muscle tissues.
It suggests that breasts need to be exposed to gravity, but wearing a bra for a long period of time will not do any good for them, in fact, it can harm their appearance.
Proper diet and exercising
If you regularly exercise and eat a healthy diet, you will lose weight and maintain the firm form of your breasts.However, note that all that you do should be balanced, as your breasts can become saggy as a result of improper weight or rapid weight loss as well.
For this cause, you should try doing chest exercises, which significantly strengthen the ligaments and improve the look of the pectoral area.
Optimal weight
As we previously mentioned, the rapid loss of gain of weight can give you reverse effects. This is due to the fact that the elasticity of the skin is destroyed by the extra pounds, and in the opposite case, the breasts lose the fats which are extremely important as they keep the breast firm.
The main part of cells situated in the skin of the breasts are made of water. Water deficiency destroys the skin, as it leads to wrinkles, destroys their softness and thus leads to saggy breasts.


In the last couple of years, heart attacks have become very common among the worldwide population. Unfortunately, they’re the number 1 reason for death in the world. They occur as a consequence of our stressful lifestyles and unhealthy diets.You can protect your cardiovascular health by improving your lifestyle- follow a healthier diet and lower the amount of stress. Also, it’s good to recognize the symptoms of heart failure that usually begin to show a month before the heart experiences a failure:
Shortness of breath
When the lungs don’t get enough oxygen, your heart won’t get the blood which needs to pass through it. Therefore, if you have problems with breathing, immediately consult your physician.
Cold and flu symptoms
A lot of people, before they experience a heart attack, experience these two symptoms.
Chest pressure

This is a clear symptom that a heart attack can take place in the near future. It’s important to consult your physician if you experience chest ache.


Cold sweats and dizziness
Poor circulation disrupts the proper blood flow to the brain, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the brain.
If you still feel tired and drowsy after sleeping or resting for some time, and if this goes on for days and days, you could be having a loss of blood flow to the heart.
Prevention of heart attacks is very important; noticing and treating the above mentioned symptoms timely, will significantly lower the chances for heart attacks.

The 4-Minute Workout Routine That Helps You Burn Fat Like Crazy

ATabata is an HI workout that has weight-loss and fitness benefits. Its advantages are that is a short and very effective workout and can be done at home.

Tabata Workout: Not for the Weak of Heart 

As it is a high-intensity workout, although it is perfect for burning fat, it is not recommended for those with any health problems, especially for the people with cardiovascular diseases. 

Why Is Tabata Perfect? 

As it is so important to stay fit, which is part of a well-balanced life, the Tabata workout is so perfect, because it only takes four minutes. 
What Is a Tabata Workout?
Continue :

The 4-Minute Workout Routine That Helps You Burn Fat Like Crazy

How to Train for Tabata
It was created for elite athletes for improving athletic performance.
You can start by doing some simple interval training:
–           Start with less intense but longer sprints, with a longer recovery time in between.
–           Try 60-90 seconds of mid-intensity running, followed by one-minute break
–           Shorten your exercise and break times and increase your intensity every few days.
–           Work your way up to four minutes, a few times a week.

5 Unique Advantages of a Tabata Workout
  1. Burns Fat
Besides the intense cardio burns calories and melts away fat, it also, affects how our bodies process glucose and contribute to belly fat.
  1. Builds Muscle
Tabata exercise engages muscles working with a high intensity.
  1. Creates Endorphins
Exercise improves your endorphins, which makes you happy.
  1. Highly Portable
You don’t need any expensive equipment or a special place for this workout!
  1. Short and Sweet
Make an effort to do your exercise most effective.
Other Tabata Variations: Not Just for Runners
The Tabata exercise principle can be applied to any workout.

Signs of High Blood Sugar: Stop It Before Diabetes Takes Over

One of the misconceptions is that eating chocolate will cause high blood sugar. Actually, sugar is present in many more foods than chocolate (e.g., white flour and white flour-based products are also high in sugar).Nevertheless, it’s important to talk about the signs of high blood sugar, because it is one of the most troublesome diseases of the 21st century. What is awful is that children today suffer from diabetes, and it all comes down to bad eating habits and an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

What are high blood sugar levels?

In order to understand what classifies as high blood sugar levels, we must understand the normal levels first. These numbers are for people without diabetes. Normal blood sugar can be divided into three groups: fasting, before meals, and after meals.

Signs of high blood sugar can be divided into two groups: mild high blood sugar symptoms and severe high blood sugar symptoms. We will explain all these signs one by one.
Excessive urination
Medically called “polyuria,” excessive urination is one of the three main symptoms of high blood sugar (along with excessive thirst and hunger). Excessive urination happens as a chain reaction to the two other symptoms. It all starts in the blood, where, due to a high blood concentration, intracellular fluids are pulled into the bloodstream. Think of it as your body’s reaction to balance the concentration of glucose

Signs of High Blood Sugar: Stop It Before Diabetes Takes Over

Your body dilutes the blood, and the glucose concentration is brought to normal. However, this increases the volume of fluid in your blood. At the same time, your kidneys can’t work properly, and as a result, they discharge large amounts of urine.
So, your cells are pumping water into your bloodstream, and the only organ that can reabsorb that fluid—your kidneys—is not working properly. So, you have an urge to urinate. Now, excessive urination is classified as more than 2.5 quarts per day. This doesn’t apply to people who drink a lot of water (like bodybuilders when they need to remove fat from their body). The normal urine output is 1.5 quarts per day.

Excessive thirst

We mentioned that there is a chain reaction in your body, and that urination goes along with thirst and hunger. As you might assume, since your body is throwing away fluids, you need to replenish those fluids. If not, you’ll dehydrate. Thirst signals are triggered in your brain as soon as you start urinating more and more. People with diabetes often misunderstand and misinterpret the connection between urination and thirst.
People think that urination is a result of thirst. In reality, it works the other way around. So, a common misconception is that you are urinating because you “drinking a lot of water lately.”

Excessive hunger

Excessive hunger is the third common and early sign of high blood sugar. But in reality, hunger is more of a result of a low insulin level. There are two types of low insulin levels. In type 1 diabetes, people experience an absolute shortage of insulin. Patients with type 2 diabetes experience a relative shortage of insulin.


Anytime you feel dehydrated, fatigue and tiredness are normal side effects. Simply put, you can’t create energy. We all need a certain amount of energy to function properly throughout the day. And when you don’t produce enough energy, your body is slowly dying.
To make matters worse, due to constant and excessive urination, you can’t sleep properly. The result is even less energy and feeling more tired than ever.

Blurred vision

Another result of excessive urination is blurred vision. Your body tries to dilute the blood by pulling fluids from the cells, a process that occurs mostly through the cells of the eyes. And as the lens in the eyes dry out, they become temporarily warped.
The end result is that your eyes lose their ability to focus properly. If you ignore the initial signs, chronic high blood sugar levels can lead to diseases like retinopathy, a damage to the back of the eye that can lead to blindness.

What can you do?

All of the have one goal in common: to signal you that you should start making changes in your lifestyle. Ignore the signs at your own peril; in the long run, high blood sugar levels cause permanent damage to your body, and it’s up to you to stop it.
They say the best way to cure a disease is to prevent it. If you notice the , it might be time to make one of the following lifestyle changes:
  • Start exercising regularly, two or three times per week.
  • Control your carb intake (as I said, chocolate is not the only reason for high blood sugar).
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated at all times.
  • Look for foods with a low glycemic index. Now might be the time to look at labels!
  • Increase your fiber intake to promote healthy digestion.
  • Last, but not least, control your stress levels. Stress eating is one of the biggest causes of high blood sugar.

Put Salt in Your Shampoo Before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems

The common salt, known as table salt, is composed of sodium chloride, that is substance that is a part of a larger class of salts. Sea salt, known as solar salt or bay salt,  is the type of salt formed by the evaporation of sea water.
In general  salt is very important for people’s life. Saltiness is one of the basic and primary human tastes. It is consumed in cooking every day and throughout the whole world. Many people know its beauty benefits. Indeed, putting salt in some beauty products can really do miracles for your hair and skin.

Using Salt for Hair

Anti-Oily Hair

An outcome of excessively active sebaceous glands on the scalp, which produce too much oil is oily hair. Luckily, you can solve this annoying issue by using salt. All you need to do is add 2 or 3 tablespoons in the shampoo you usually use and wash your hair with it. After the first few treatments you will notice the results. Your hair will be healthy without any excess of oil.

Put Salt in Your Shampoo Before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems

Anti-Dandruff Treatment

The layer formed on the scalp from small pieces of dead skin cells is dandruff. Salt eliminates the existing dandruff flakes and stimulates circulation that is very important for a healthy scalp. It also protects the scalp from fungal growth. Just divide your hair into sections, sprinkle 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt on your scalp and massage with wet fingers for around 10 minutes. Then wash as usual.

For Hair Growth

Sea salt is beneficial for hair growth. Use sea salt treatment to naturally stimulate hair growth if you suffer from alopecia, i.e. hair loss. Just wash your hair as you normally do. For 10 – 15 minutes massage your wet scalp with sea salt and wash your hair again. Do this treatment twice a week for 2 months and the results will surprise you.

Using Salt for Skin
Softening Body Scrub

Salt is also beneficial for skin care and health. Combine together coarse sea salt with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and stir well in order to have soft and silky skin. Use this mixture to gently scrub your body in a circular motion which will eliminate all the dead skin cells. When you’re finish  scrubbing, wash your body with a shower gel.

Balancing Face Mask

Try the following mask that will soothe your skin and prevent irritations due to its anti-inflammatory components if you have a sensitive and easily irritable skin. It will control the oil secretion and hydrate areas of dry skin. Mix together 4 teaspoons of raw honey and 2 teaspoons of sea salt and apply it to a dry and clean skin, except for the eye area, and keep it for 10-15 minutes. Then, rinse your face with warm water.

Facial Toner

Salt also can be used as a facial toner that will penetrate into your skin pores deeply and cleanse them. It will control the oil production and fight bacteria which will prevent acne. By mixing one teaspoon of sea salt with 4 ounces of warm water and pour the mixture in a spray bottle make your homemade facial toner. Spray this mixture once or twice a day to clean and dry skin. Make sure you avoid the eyes.

The most common topic of conversation among the women is of course – quick diets. There are…

The most common topic of conversation among the women is of course – quick diets. There are plenty of diets and diets that offer different methods and different foods, by which you can quickly melt your fat away.But you should always be careful with these diets, because there is always a danger of yo-yo effect.
This drink is extremely efficient and very simply prepared. Just need to follow these instructions:

8 cups water
1 tsp ginger powder
1 medium cucumber, peeled and chopped into pieces
1 medium lemon, cut in pieces
12 fresh mint leaves and 1 teaspoon dried mint
The drink should be prepared at night before sleep: In a jug of water, add the rest of the ingredients, stir and leave in the refrigerator over night. During the day you should drink at least 4-5 glasses of this beverage.
In addition, it is necessary to reduce the amount of meals and properly distribute throughout the day. It is vital to have some physical activity for at least 20 minutes a day.
Note: Because this mode requires a huge reduction in the amount of portions should not stick to it for more than 4 to 7 days. You can continue to drink this juice even after the diet, to keep your body healthy and slim.

We all want to live longer, look younger, have more energy and lead a fuller life, right? How can it be done?

Of course, eat right, be active, keep your mind sharp, and don’t do high-risk activities is one way. But it turns out, an ice cube and a few moments of your time helps too. At the base of your skull on the neck there is a point known as Feng Fu.It’s a pressure pointfound at the base of the skull just below the bottom ridge of the skull cap at the top of the neck. If you put ice on it regularly, it triggers rejuvenation in your body.

Illness seems to disappear and you find yourself more energetic and just plain happier.Lie on your stomach and put an ice cube at the Feng Fu point. Leave it there for 20 minutes. You can also use a bandage to fix it in place if you’re on the go.

Doing it once in the morning on an empty stomach and then again once before bed. What does it do?

  1. It improves your sleep quality
  2. It improves your mood.
  3. It helps regulate your gut.
  4. It relieves colds.
  5. It relieves toothaches and headaches.
  6. It may relieve PMS.
  7. It may improve mental health.